• Anita Mandal M.D.

    Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

A Surgeon's Skill, An Artist's Soul, A Woman's Compassion

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Facelift Vs. Mini-Lift?

Question: The sagging of my jowls and upper neck really makes me look aged. How do I know if I need a facelift or if I can get away with a mini-lift?

Answer: In theory, a mini-lift sounds good since it’s less invasive, a quicker recovery and has fewer risks. However, you must be a good candidate to be happy with the results. The optimal way to find out if you need a facelift or a mini facelift is through a detailed consultation with a board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon.

Factors your surgeon should consider when recommending a mini-lift versus a traditional facelift include the degree and/or presence of:
● Loose skin in the lower face and upper neck
● Skin elasticity
● Vertical platysmal neck bands
● Submental neck fat
● Unique anatomy such as a receding chin and weak cervical mental angle

If you have mild to moderately loose skin in the lower face and upper neck, you may be a candidate for a mini-lift or the Infini RF non-surgical facelift. Infini RF also helps maintain the results of a facelift. With significantly loose skin, a traditional facelift is often recommended.

In the presence of submental neck fat, also known as double chin, a mini-facelift alone may not work. You may need either submental liposuction or a traditional facelift. Having vertical platysmal muscle bands in the neck typically requires a traditional facelift since these bands cannot be corrected with a mini-facelift.

If your skin elasticity is poor, you may not be a good candidate for a surgical lift which can result in a “wind blown” or “pulled” appearance. The Infini RF which not only stimulates collagen but also improves tissue elasticity may, however, be beneficial.

If you have a receding chin, significant bone loss along the jawline or a weak cervico-mental angle, you may have a poorer outcome from facelift surgery. Volume loss in the cheeks or upper face occurs from bone and fat loss with age, requires restoration with injectable fillers and typically cannot be corrected with facelift or mini-lift surgery. Bellafill, the 5-year filler, or a temporary one year filler are both viable options.

It is a faulty perception that one should seek a non-surgeon for minimal invasive treatments and a surgeon only for surgery. Seeking a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon who thoroughly understands facial anatomy and is skilled in both surgical as well as minimal invasive procedures can optimize your facial rejuvenation results. 

Dr. Anita Mandal is a double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon practicing since 1998. She exclusively specializes in facial rejuvenation and non-invasive body contouring. In addition to being on the medical staff at Jupiter Medical Center, her offices house both surgical and laser suites. Dr. Mandal is committed to giving her patients the most natural looking results.