• Anita Mandal M.D.

    Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

A Surgeon's Skill, An Artist's Soul, A Woman's Compassion

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Lip Lift Palm Beach Gardens

With the Lip Lift becoming more and more prominent in social media, patients are increasingly aware of its benefits. While the traditional Lip Lift is a subtle and timeless enhancement that typically requires surgery, stitches, and downtime, the Ellacor lip lift is a non-surgical option that can restore balance and harmony to the aging face on the whole. The Ellacor Lip Lift in the Palm Beach Gardens & West Palm Beach area can be a great substitute for those patients who don’t want surgery and don’t want to plump up their lips with filler.

Lip Augmentation

What is a Lip Lift

A Lip Lift is a cosmetic procedure offered by Dr. Mandal in Palm Beach designed to enhance the appearance of the upper lip and elongated upper lip skin that often develops with age. Dr. Anita Mandal, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with a passion for natural-looking results, offers this procedure to address a variety of concerns related to the upper lip.

There are many types of Lip Lift procedures, each with its unique attributes. Unlike earlier techniques that carried a higher risk of scarring or unnatural outcomes, contemporary state-of-the-art Lip Lift techniques excel in enhancing both the upper lip and the surrounding mouth area with precision and well-camouflaged incisions.

Typically, the Lip Lift procedure is performed under local anesthesia, allowing patients to remain awake and at ease. In some cases, it can be performed under twilight anesthesia for added comfort. The incisions are strategically placed at the base of the nose, artfully concealed within the natural creases of the facial soft tissues.

Non-Surgical Lip Lift

Not everyone wants surgical intervention when it comes to lip improvement, which is why we are excited to offer a revolutionary treatment called ellacor as a Non-Surgical Lip Lift solution. Ellacor is a minimally invasive skin tightening treatment that uses a process called dermal micro-coring to rejuvenate your skin. This procedure delivers a smoother, firmer, and elevated upper lip without the risk of scarring.

Ellacor consists of a handheld device with hollow needles that non-surgically remove tiny micro-columns of skin. It is a completely customizable treatment that allows Dr. Mandalto effectively shorten an elongated upper lip, enhance lip version definition and give a very natural-looking lip flip. Once the skin has been removed, your body’s natural healing process goes into effect as the remaining dermal tissue realigns to close the cores. This technique is best for patients who only require more subtle changes to produce their desired lip aesthetic.

What are the Benefits of a Lip Lift?

A Lip Lift can benefit a broad range of patients and diverse age groups. Younger patients seek the lip lift procedure mainly when fillers give their lips an artificial or unnatural appearance. While lip fillers can give fuller or more defined lips, there are wide variations in lip anatomy, and not all lips look better with fillers.

Older patients can rejuvenate their overall facial appearance with a Lip Lift. With age, the upper lip loses volume, and the skin above it elongates, giving an aged appearance to the overall face. The Lip Lift can restore facial balance and give the mouth a natural sensuality without the “ducky” appearance sometimes seen with injectable fillers.

The Lip Lift can also enhance lip volume as well as improve lipstick bleed lines and soften lip lines. The procedure can give a subtle eversion to the lip edges for a more youthful lip shape, as well as reduce the need for fillers.

Who are the Best Candidates for the Lip Lift Procedure?

The Lip Lift procedure is ideally suited for individuals who wish to enhance the appearance of their lips and mouth area. The best candidates for this procedure typically exhibit one or more of the following concerns:

  • Aging Signs: Those who have experienced age-related changes, such as thinning of the upper lip or elongation of the distance between the nose and upper lip.
  • Flat or Thin Lips: Individuals with naturally thin or flat upper lips seeking a fuller and more aesthetically pleasing look.
  • Desire for a Subtle Change: Patients looking for a subtle enhancement that provides a natural-looking and harmonious result.
  • Good Health: Candidates in good overall health, both physically and mentally, to ensure a safe surgical experience.
  • Good Health: Candidates in good overall health, both physically and mentally, to ensure a safe surgical experience.
  • Realistic Expectations: Those who have reasonable expectations about the outcomes of the procedure, understanding that a Lip Lift can offer a subtle yet impactful improvement.

What’s the First Step?

The first step toward achieving the lip enhancement you desire with a Lip Lift procedure at Mandal Plastic Surgery in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anita Mandal. During this initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations with Dr. Mandal. She will carefully evaluate your facial anatomy and assess whether you are a suitable candidate for a Lip Lift.

Dr. Mandal will also explain the procedure in detail, including the various techniques available and the expected outcomes. You’ll have the chance to ask any questions you may have about the surgery, recovery process, and potential risks.

Once you and Dr. Mandal have determined that a Lip Lift is the right choice for you, a personalized treatment plan will be developed to address your unique needs and goals. This plan will outline the specific techniques and approaches that will be used to achieve the results you desire.

Scheduling your consultation is the crucial first step on your journey toward enhancing the appearance of your lips and achieving the beautiful, natural results you desire.

What to Expect on the Day of Lip Lift Surgery

On the day of your Lip Lift surgery in Palm Beach FL, you can expect a carefully planned and customized experience to ensure your comfort and safety throughout your procedure.

Dr. Anita Mandal will assist you in getting comfortably settled and reviewing the surgical plan. As previously stated, this procedure is typically performed using local anesthesia, allowing you to be awake but relaxed during the surgery. Twilight anesthesia is also an option for deeper relaxation.

Dr. Mandal makes precise incisions at the base of your nose, hidden within natural creases, to reshape your upper lip and adjust the vermilion border, enhancing your lip’s appearance.

After the desired improvements are made, the incisions will be closed with meticulous care minimizing scarring and ensuring a natural look.

Lip Lift Recovery

After undergoing a Lip Lift procedure, the recovery process is carefully managed to optimize your healing and ensure a successful outcome. Following the surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the surgical site, particularly at the base of your nose and upper lip. These effects are common and typically subside over the next several days.

You will be provided with detailed post-operative care instructions to follow during your recovery. This may include guidance on keeping the surgical area clean and dry, applying topical ointments or creams to aid in healing, and taking prescribed medications to manage any discomfort or prevent infection. It’s essential to adhere to these instructions closely for a smooth recovery process.

While you should be able to resume light activities within a few days, you should plan to take it easy and avoid strenuous exercise for a few weeks to prevent any complications. It’s normal for the initial results to appear slightly exaggerated due to swelling, but this will gradually subside, revealing the outcome over the coming weeks and months.

How Much Does a Lip Lift Cost in Palm Beach Gardens & West Palm Beach?

The cost of a Lip Lift at Mandal Plastic Surgery in Palm Beach can vary depending on various factors, including the specific type of Lip Lift procedure chosen, the extent of correction needed, and other individual factors. To get an accurate estimate of the cost of your Lip Lift, it’s best to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anita Mandal or a member of her team.

Why Choose Dr. Mandal?

Dr. Anita Mandal is not just a renowned facial plastic surgeon but also an artist, known for her ability to create exceptionally natural results. Her work is a testament to her precision, technical finesse, and unwavering attention to detail. Dr. Mandal specializes in facial and neck procedures, holding the distinction of Dual Board Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Head and Neck Surgery, a recognition reserved for a select group of plastic surgeons.

Dr. Mandal is a forward-thinking visionary in her field, often leading the way with innovative procedures and techniques ahead of her peers. In the late 90s, she recognized the shift in facial plastic surgery towards minimally invasive approaches, focusing on facial contouring, pan-facial rejuvenation, and pre-juvenation.

Her ability to think outside the box and evolve with the ever-changing aesthetic needs of her patients has positioned her as a pioneer in the art and science of facial plastic surgery. She consistently incorporates the latest minimally invasive techniques to deliver the best possible outcomes for her patients.

Schedule Your Consultation

Call us today at 561-238-0040 To Schedule A Consultation. Dr. Mandal’s surgical offices overlook the beautiful Soverel Harbour Marina. In addition to its charming archways, breezy palm trees, and scenic views, the center offers a variety of eateries, salons, and boutiques. We can’t wait to join you on this journey.

Lip Lift FAQs

Is a Lip Lift painful?

A Lip Lift is typically performed under local anesthesia. This helps minimize pain and discomfort during the surgery. However, it’s normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the days following the procedure. Dr. Mandal will provide appropriate pain management instructions to help manage any post-operative discomfort.

How many surgical appointments will I need?

Usually, patients only need to schedule a single appointment for a Lip Lift procedure. During this appointment, Dr. Mandal will carefully perform the surgery, and you can typically return home the same day.

How long until I see results?

The results of a Lip Lift procedure are usually visible immediately after the surgery once the initial swelling and bruising subside. However, it’s important to note that final results, including the refinement of the lip shape and the reduction of any scarring, may take a few weeks to fully develop. Dr. Mandal will provide you with guidance on what to expect during your recovery period and how to care for your newly enhanced lips.

Can I combine a Lip Lift with other procedures?

Yes, a Lip Lift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures to achieve a more comprehensive facial enhancement. Many patients choose to combine a Lip Lift with procedures such as Facelifts, and Eyelid Surgery as well as minimally invasive procedures such as Botox and dermal fillers.

Dr. Mandal will discuss your aesthetic goals and recommend a customized treatment plan that may involve combining procedures to achieve the best results for you. It’s essential to have a thorough consultation with Dr. Mandal to determine the most suitable approach to address your specific concerns.

What are the risks associated with a Lip Lift?

A Lip Lift is generally considered a safe procedure when performed by a skilled and experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Anita Mandal. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks and potential complications. Some of the risks associated with a Lip Lift may include:

  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Asymmetry
  • Numbness
  • Unsatisfactory results
  • Anesthesia risks