• Anita Mandal M.D.

    Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

A Surgeon's Skill, An Artist's Soul, A Woman's Compassion

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Mini-Lift Vs. Incision-Less Whisper Lift™

Question: I have sagging in my neck and some laxity at my jawline. Two plastic surgeons recommended a mini-facelift. I’ve been reading about your Incision-Less Whisper Lift™. What is the difference?

Answer: There are significant differences between a traditional mini-facelift and the Incision-Less Whisper Lift™.

Traditional Mini-facelift
• Good candidates have sagging jowls and mild neck laxity
• Does not typically treat vertical neck bands and submental neck fat
• Addresses muscle in jowl area but not under neck
• Incisions mainly in front of the ear and, sometimes, behind ear
• Surgical access with scalpel and skin flaps
• IV sedation or general anesthesia
• Longer recovery and downtime
• Bulkier post-surgical dressing
• Stitches need to be removed
• Less focus on defining neckline

Incision-Less Whisper Lift™
• Good candidates have laxity along jawline and neck, submental fat and/or vertical neck bands
• Treats platysma muscle bands in neck
• No incisions; surgical access thru self-healing micro-openings and lighted rod with permanent suture sling placement
• Local anesthesia only, no IV needed
• Shorter recovery and less downtime
• Lighter post-surgical dressing
• No sutures to remove
• Can give a well-defined, neck and jawline
• Incisions mainly in front of the ear and, sometimes, behind ear

The Incision-Less Whisper Lift uses a patented minimal invasive technology most suitable for candidates with mild to moderate laxity in the neck and lower jowl. Since there are no incisions, scarring is not the kind of concern seen in mini-facelifts and facelifts. The risks of surgical and anesthesia complications are much lower as is recovery and downtime.
If you are interested in learning more as to whether you are a candidate for the Incision-Less Whisper Lift, a detailed consultation with a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon is the first step.

Dr. Anita Mandal is a double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon practicing since 1998. She exclusively specializes in facial rejuvenation and non-invasive body contouring. In addition to being on the medical staff at Jupiter Medical Center, her offices house both surgical and laser suites. Dr. Mandal is committed to giving her patients the most natural looking results